Stephen – Filmography

Sleep Paralysis a young woman experiences the horrors of sleep paralysis.

Paralyzed is a short film, directed by Aaron Sims, and written by Jeffrey Reddick about a horrific experience with sleep paralysis. It stars Brit Morgan, Jay Rodan, and Mark Steger.

Sleep paralysis is a bizarre phenomenon in which victims awake and find they can’t move, and in many cases, they also sense that an evil presence is in the room with them. Many of those who have experienced this also report a frightening figure sitting on their chest, sometimes choking them. It is a world-wide phenomenon that has been documented since ancient times.

Hypnogogia is a personal video documentation by louise wilde on a condition connected to ‘Sleep Paralysis’ which involves hallucinatory imagery  between sleeping and waking up, this video emphasises her experience within this condition.             Louise’s aim was to portray a practical and phycological experience of this condition to the viewer, through the use of frame by frame visual imagery and sound design

Throughout summer 2012, two or three times a week, I would wake up unable to move, deeply afraid and convinced there was someone or something in the room with me. Sometimes I would see or hear people around the bed or feel cats padding over the blanket. One time I woke up and saw a giant spider hovering over me! This strange phenomenon is called sleep paralysis, and I decided to make a film about it. This experimental docu-horror was supported by a Wellcome Trust Arts Award and made as part of an MA in Animation at Royal College of Art. It is part of The Sleep Paralysis Project ( See the website for more information on the scientific and cultural background of sleep paralysis.


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